Friday, December 24, 2010

Father and Daddy

This Christmas season has been an interesting time for me. I wouldn't say bad but I wouldn't say joyous either. I've really had trouble getting into the "Christmas spirit". I tried to listen to the radio station that is playing all Christmas music all the time. That helped some but "It" just wasn't there. I then started listening to the station that is playing both Praise and Christmas songs and that helped a little more. Then I returned to work after being sick for two days only to find that a co-worker had been shot and killed the night before. That was a real downner. All that plus having a new puppy to take care of and get used too. Don't get me wrong Sadie has been the one really bright spot this year. Her getting into things and her nonstop going and going. She is just a brown flash.
Last night though I think I found out how to get the joy back. I had a dream just before waking this morning that I think will help.
I was in a bible study and we got to talking about the difference of  Daddy and Father in relationship to God. I explained to the group that the difference is that Daddy is someone that I spend time with and interact with on a superficial way. "how are you doing" "want to go get something to eat" "Nice weather were having" "how's your day going" ect. These are things that I might share with my dad or someone else. Kind of superficial, no meat, no struggle, what a child might say to his Daddy. This is what God is to me when I'm driving and we talk. There just isn't time to sit and have a long conversation because of the demands of the job.
Father is when I am hurting and need that someone who knows me and wants to sit and talk about the hard things, like why do I feel this way, why can't I get into the spirit of Christmas, and why do bad things happen at this time of year when we all want to be so joyous. These are the things that my Father wants to spend time with me and talk them through. This is when God is my Father. This when I truly know that he is really interested in what makes me me. He can tell when I'm hurting and he wants to make it better and that may take time spent with him. Not just fleeting moments here and there.
So to sum this all up I would say Enjoy the fleeting moments where you talk to God about the little things, the things that you don't need to spend much time on.
Treasure however the times that you spend with your Father hashing out the tough things in life. Wading through the muck and mier to get to the dry land on the other side next to his throne. Then being able to go back to the relationship of daddy next to his throne. Please try to find the right time to spend time with your Father and you will find yourself growing in places that you would never expect.

Merry Christmas everyone
from me and Sadie.

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