Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who won?

I've been thinking a lot about the midterm elections as of late. I know that some people were not happy with the results and some were OK with them. I personally had mixed feelings and started listening to others about what they thought. As I did, I came across someone who said something very profound a while back. For the life of me I can't remember who said it, but here it is.
"Isn't interesting that in the days of Jesus the people were looking for a political leader to save them and God sent them Jesus."
Jesus was no political leader, he was a spiritual leader, the best leader the people could get. He led them into a new reality that transcends all things political. He knew that unless they took care of their life with God, and got closer to him, the next political leader would never satisfy them either.
God knows that political leaders can only accomplish political things which will always be controversial. No matter what he or she decides, someone will be unhappy. That is why not everyone is happy with the decisions that are being made, they are political.
I personally was convicted by the above statement and knew that I had to start looking for the reality that only God can give. My focus had to be on what was God order and not man's. As long as the decisions of the political leader does not conflict with the laws of God then I must be submissive to them and have respect for the leader, whoever that might be. In fact God calls us to honor those in authority because all authority is given by God alone.
My goal in the future, starting now, is to respect the decisions of the people over me and to look to God for my ultimate answer to happiness, because in the end only he has all the correct answers that will satisfy all.
How about you? Do you want the answer to the midterms? Then look to Jesus for the answer, for he alone can satisfy.

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